
We need to ensure that all our residents and businesses can connect with us. Information on large print, audio and braille requirements, making publications available in other languages and our translation service.

Large print

As a minimum large print should be 16 point.

A document can be enlarged through a photocopier or by increasing the font size of the text and printing it off.

You do not have to produce large print versions in colour and you don’t have to provide the fully designed version.

Electronic copies

By emailing text only documents to people who have access to a computer, allows them to create the right size font for themselves, or their computer to read it to them.

Someone using a screen reader, where the written word is turned into voice or braille, will struggle with tables and/or columns. Their computer will try and read across the columns rather than down. You may need to convert tables to text or send the information as an excel file.

Read more about making documents accessible in our accessibility essentials.


Some people may require a taped version of our information.

Contact Communications for details.


If you need to get a document translated into Braille contact Communications.


We must make our publications available in other languages on request. If the document is very long it might be more cost effective to offer an interpreting service where someone can talk through the contents with the customer.

If you need to use this service the individual must come into the offices at Pippbrook where CSU staff will be pleased to help.

A few members of staff are available if colleagues need help speaking to customers whose first language is not English. See our translation service for more information.