Our logo

Hills icon

It’s important that we use our logo in the right way, we want our residents and businesses to identify and remember us. There are three ways in which are logo can be used:

1. Full colour

Use when there is a legal requirement, e.g statutory notices or licences.

2. Single colour

Use either solid black or dark grey.

3. Reversed out versions

Used when the logo needs to sit on a dark colour or over an image.

White MVDC logo with purple background

Logo specifications

Exclusion zone 

A minimum area of clear space (exclusion zone) must surround our logo at all times. 

The amount of negative space required can be measured by taking the ‘x’ height of the lowercase characters from the word ‘Mole Valley’ on the logo. 

This area is to be kept clear of any other visual elements. 

Minimum size

The minimum width of the logo is 30mm to ensure legibility.  

MVDC logo with 30mm exclusion zone

Logo don’ts

  • Distort it 
  • Recreate the logo 
  • Change spacing 
  • Put it in a box 
  • Add a drop shadow 
  • Change its colours  
  • Add a a strapline or words 
MVDC logo distorted
Don’t distort our logo
MVDC logo in pink
Don’t change the colour of our logo
MVDC logo with wording underneath
Don’t add a strapline or words to our logo