
Website Icon

Having great content on our website will not only make us look knowledgeable and help with our reputation but it will also help people who find our website through search engines (they love frequently updated content!).

Writing for the web 

Divide it into smaller chunks and use subheadings – it will be easier to take it in 

Use a maximum of 25 words per sentence, sentence per paragraph and four to six words per headline 

Use bolding, italics, and capitals carefully – do not underline text, it can look like it is hyperlinked and that can be confusing 

Headings and sub-headings should contain keywords which are relevant to the article. Also use words which people would type into Google

Use good quality low resolution images which are tagged and captioned – find out more on accessibility 

For web addresses use in the text and do not display the full link – use a hyperlink 

Do not say ‘click here’ use a text that describes the link, e.g., ‘Find out more about council tax.’ 

Include links to external sites 

Try to avoid using tables – they can be tricky to navigate with a tablet or mobile 

Avoid using Roman numerals and unfamiliar symbols – these can confuse readers and are likely to be read incorrectly by screen readers

Contact details 

Do not use direct line numbers, always use 01306 885001 

List generic email addresses, e.g. and not personal ones 

Write addresses in a line, e.g.: 

Mole Valley District Council, Pippbrook, Dorking, Surrey, RH4 1SJ 


Both internal and external links should open in the same window

Text must be high contrast, ideally black text on white background or white text on a dark background – on the corporate site, links should always appear blue