Mole Valley Life attend Carer Aware Event

This week is Carer Aware Week and to help make caring more visible, valued and supported, Mole Valley Life (MVL) attended an event at St Catherine’s Hospice. The event gave MVL the opportunity to meet with St Catherine’s Hospice staff, Action for Carers and other local organisations to raise awareness of our Lifeline Alarm and TEC service and how it can help to support carers and those whom they care for. MVL also had the opportunity to learn about and build relationships with St Catherine’s and other Surrey based organisations so that MVL is better placed to advise and support those who are terminally ill and their families.

Frank, who attended the event on MVL’s behalf, received some fantastic feedback from St Catherine’s:

“Could you please pass on my thanks to Frank for giving us his time on Wednesday. The feedback from staff here at StCH has been great. They were very impressed at the range of equipment available to patients and carers to support them to remain safe at home for as long as possible. Them being able to see him face to face and see the way the products works was invaluable.”

“Do send Frank my thanks and regards (from one “Frank/Francis” to another!).

Not only was the event useful for us all professionally, Frank also had some great advice for me personally. Although my parents are slightly out of your area (Newcastle upon Tyne!) Frank’s recommendations and information about alarms and devices will hopefully come in handy for my own family situation.”

Well done Frank, keep up the great work!

To find out more about Mole Valley Life’s services please call 01372 204500 or email

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