Charity Donations Via Payroll

How do I sign up?
You need to complete a Donation Choice Form (see below) on which you specify the total donation for your payroll team and the amount to be allocated to each charity for Charitable Giving. The form can be sent directly to Charitable Giving or completed on line click here. Please ensure that you have notified payroll that you intend to set up a charity donation so we can liaise with Charitable Giving to get your payments set up.

How can I change my donations?

Having signed up, you may wish to make changes to:
•    Your overall Payroll Giving deduction (provided it is at least the minimum required)
•    The amount you allocate to specific charities, or
•    Your nominated charities.
To make changes you can complete a new Donation Choice Form on line or download and return a hard copy.

Who can I donate to?

Employees can donate to any organisation recognised by the HMRC as having charitable status; this includes many good causes such as places of worship, school groups, non-private hospitals, and clubs as well as charities registered by the Charities Commission based in the UK.

Every year the Chairman of MVDC selects charities to support – in the year 2020/21 these are:

  • Leatherhead Youth Project
  • Belong – this is not a registered charity therefore you cannot donate via the payroll. If you wish to donate to this project, please follow the link.
  • PSDS – a charity providing support for children with downs syndrome and their families

You may wish to consider supporting The Leatherhead Youth Project and/or PSDS, or you can choose your own provided they are registered.

What happens I make to make donations anonymously?

•    You do not have to tell us which charities you are making donations to, forms can be sent directly to Charitable Giving. They then tell us the overall amount you wish to donate so that this deduction can be made via payroll.
•    If you wish to remain anonymous to the charities, this can be indicated when you complete the form.  

Can I give to more than one charity?

You can give to as many charities as you like provided the donation to each charity is at least £1.

When will my donation reach my chosen charity?

If your donation is deducted from your pay in Month 1, it will be received by Charitable Giving in Month 2 and normally distributed to your chosen charity within the first seven working days of Month 3.

Does all my donation go to the charity?

A small administration charge of £0.25 will be deducted from your Payroll Giving deduction per month.

Can I change my donations?

The amount you have deducted from your pay, give to a specific charity, or the charities to which you donate can be changed at any time by completing a Donation Choice form.

What can I do if I no longer wish to donate through Payroll Giving?

You can stop your donations at any time by informing HR.

Donation Form – for printing and completing in hard copy