Priority 2 – Recruiting the Best People

Turnover provides opportunities internally and demonstrates that, if you work for MVDC you will get marketable experience and development to progress your career.

But turnover provides a practical challenge. This affects managers and teams covering the workload during a vacancy, exit or handover period. Sometimes it will impact those who use our services. Service demands do not reduce just because we have less individuals available to do the work, or while we carry vacancies. If we cannot recruit effectively it often has a real impact.

It is in all our interests to support our managers to recruit where they need to, alongside maintaining a healthy level of retention. But we want to make sure we continue to recruit the best people, people with passion, people who want to progress, and who will contribute towards a culture that Puts People First. We want to make it easier for people starting out to join us too.

Since Summer 2018 we began to make improvements to the way in which we recruit. We now have a dedicated jobs microsite acting as our shop window so that candidates can see what we offer and get a feel for what it would be like to work in MVDC, and we are increasingly targeting candidates through social media using video stories and campaigns.

Our ‘Recruiting the Best People’ Priority will continue our focus on increasing digital reach, building and improving our job microsite, recruitment processes and candidate experience.

We have many examples and pockets of good practice and some great stories to tell about the way some of our people have been able to develop their careers with us. Many have moved within our organisation, and some have chosen to use skills developed by working with us, to opportunities elsewhere. We want to promote this to illustrate examples where job movement has been positive.

We will therefore be building and presenting stories from our staff, many of whom have chosen us against other competing offers from other local employers. Some have come back to us again after leaving. We want to find ways to tell our stories to a job seeker.