Having a PDR


PDR Preparation Form

PDR Post Meeting Form

Before you have your Performance Development Review meeting your manager will agree a suitable date, time and place for the meeting. They may ask you to complete a PDR Preparation Form to either send to them in advance or bring with you to your meeting. Setting out the information on the preparation form will help you to prepare for your discussion.

A Post Meeting Form will be completed following the meeting to ensure the main points of the discussion are captured, along with any learning needs.

How often will I have a PDR?

A Performance and Development Review meeting will be held between you and your manager once a year and must be completed by the end of March.  You will also have a half yearly review (around the Autumn) as well as regular one to ones.  

How should I prepare?

In order to prepare your manager may ask you to complete a preparation form in advance of the meeting. A template preparation form is available to assist you. The four key areas to think about are:

a) What you have worked on and achieved in the year (Looking Back)

b) What’s coming up in your role/team (Looking Forward)

c) Your Wellbeing & Aspirations

d) Training and Development

What is 360 degree feedback?

You and your manager may decide that 360 degree feedback is helpful. This is feedback gained from others such as colleagues, Members, partners or other people you regularly interact with as a part of your role. If appropriate your manager will provide you with information from this process as a part of your discussion on an anonymous basis.

What happens after my PDR?

Agreed actions or objectives should be set out and taken forward by you. Progress of these actions and objectives can be discussed with your manager through your 1:1 meetings and reviewed at your 6 month PDR Review meeting.

Any agreed e-learning, and/or other identified development needs that do not have a cost (i.e. coaching/mentoring etc.) identified through the PDR discussion and recorded on the Development Summary section of the form, can be booked by you through the relevant Learning and Development pages of MyHR on Molly. 

Paid development (i.e. Surrey Learn courses) will be reviewed as part of an organisation wide learning needs analysis early in the new financial year. Following review your manager will let you know if your learning is agreed and if so how it can be booked.


What happens to my PDR form?

You and your manager keep a copy of the completed PDR from for reference and review over the year. Your manager records your PDR discussion date on your iTrent record and attaches a copy of the completed PDR form. PDR information will be shared with your Business Manager (if this is not your line manager). Business Managers meet their Executive Heads in the Summer months to discuss all PDRs completed within their service areas, and other performance related data, to aid with service planning.

Can I feedback on the PDR process?

Our processes are continuously evolving in response to changing demands and as a result our forms and guidance documents are updated from time to time. If you have had your PDR, and have any  thoughts or suggestions that you feel would help to further improve the PDR process please send these to HR