1:1s and Performance & Development Reviews

Performance and development reviews – under pinned by regular 2-way discussions allow for giving and receiving feedback, drawing attention to priorities, and ensuring everyone has all the tools, skills, and knowledge needed to do the job.

Here you will find forms and supporting guidance for the Performance Development Review process.

All PDRS must be completed by the end of March every year.

Enhanced PDR

This enhanced PDR form allows you and your manager to discuss your career and development aspirations in greater detail and ...

Guidance for 6 Monthly Review

Purpose A good performance and development review process takes place throughout the year so the discussion you had with your ...

Manager’s Guidance for Monthly 1:1s

ADAPTED FOR CURRENT ALTERNATIVE WORK ARRANGEMENTS DUE TO COVID-19 All employees are expected to have a 1:1 with their line ...

Doing a PDR

All managers should ensure they are familiar with the guidance and timescale for completing and documenting PDR discussions either using ...

Having a PDR

Forms PDR Preparation Form PDR Post Meeting Form Before you have your Performance Development Review meeting your manager will agree ...