New Starters

We would like to take this opportunity to welcome you and we hope that you will have a fulfilling and rewarding career here at Mole Valley District Council.


As part of getting settled into your new role you will be required to undertake a number of Essential E-Learning courses.

Your manager will arrange a specific induction programme for you which will include the learning outlined below, along with any service specific learning requirements.  To ensure you are off to the best possible start, we are keen for you to understand the key organisational learning requirements for all new employees.

  • Induction Videos
    There are a number of videos you can watch during your induction.  These provide an overview of the Council from the Chief Executive (Karen Brimacombe), along with specific information about Health & Safety, Data Protection and Safeguarding and other key service areas to support you in your work including Customer Service, HR and Democratic Services.
  • E-Learning
    There are a number of e-Learning courses which you will need to complete within the first few weeks of starting your role.  You will need to ensure you have the relevant log-on and passwords set up. You will be supplied with these as part of the new starter process.  If you have been issued with a laptop and e-mail address but have not received your learning log-in details, please contact HR Admin who will provide this to you. 

    The required e-Learning courses for all new starters are:
    • GDPR UK Essentials or GDPR UK Advanced (Management)
    • Diversity, Equality and Discrimination
    • Health & Safety Essentials or Health & Safety Essentials for Managers
    • Freedom of Information
    • Safeguarding children and adults – (Further safeguarding learning will be required for some specific roles, further information is available under essential learning below)
    • Display Screen Equipment (DSE) Assessment for staff who use computers

Essential Learning

Information about ongoing essential learning requirements can be found here

Other Learning

Information about accessing further learning and development for all staff can be found here.

Information about management and leadership learning and development can be found here.

There are a range of e-Learning courses available to you and we encourage all our staff to use this resource to help with areas of practical skills development as well as broadening knowledge in other areas. 

There are two e-learning providers available to you that offer a range of courses for both essential learning and personal development. Both can be accessed at any time via a range of smart devices. Please explore these platforms and complete any modules that you feel may be of benefit to you.

E-Learning providers Go1 and BiteSize login details can be found here.