Policy & Guidance Information

Learning and Development Policy

Information about different learning and development options including essential training and non essential development options can be found in the Councils Learning and Development Policy.

This includes requirements for approval to fund options for development and professional qualifications such as apprenticeships, LEAP and work based agreements.

Guidance on Course Training Costs

Decisions on funding for training will be on a case by case basis taking consideration of budget, type/duration of course and employee circumstances.  It is advisable to agree all costs in advance.  There may be circumstances where a co-contribution from the employee is agreed (see the Learning and Development Policy).

Prior to agreeing training, managers should discuss with the employee what additional costs to cover accommodation, travel etc. would be required. This will help ensure that agreement is made with a full appreciation of all costs.

The following guidance is to assist with the decision making process for managers.

Travel Meeting the cost of travel to a place of study, educational visit or other educational venue can be agreed, subject to budget, as long as the journey is taken by the most expedient method available. You should also consider individual employee circumstances, the cost of the travel and sustainability.

Accommodation For some short courses or specific parts of a longer course, it might be necessary for the employee to stay overnight.  Agreement to reimburse can be given – subject to budget – provided the cost is reasonable and that it is agreed in advance. In determining reasonableness, the manager will request evidence as to how and why the employee has selected their accommodation.

Budget Coding Please ensure that the correct budget code is used for training/conferences along with a description (i.e. Training Event + initials of employee) this means that accurate reporting can be achieved on learning events.