Step into Mole Valley and discover 24 amazing walks!

Our new communications campaign ‘Step into Mole Valley‘ has just started and it’s all about supporting the visitor economy and encouraging people to discover our beautiful district.

Whether you need an easy, accessible and buggy-friendly path, or if you’re after great views, heritage trails or routes for nature-lovers, you’ll find it all in Mole Valley. Keen photographers will be delighted with picture-perfect walks and stunning countryside views. All walks’ details can be found on the Mole Valley Together website.

The campaign is funded from the Welcome Back and COMF Funds and covers:

  • Press ads – Surrey Advertising and South London Press – starting this week
  • Online advertising
  • SM campaign #StepIntoMoleValley with 3D sticker installed outside of Dorking Halls and in the Swan Centre in Leatherhead for people to take pictures and share
  • Distribution of 35K maps with walks to be included in Tourist Information packs in North and East Surrey, East and West Sussex, Tourist and Visitor Centres, B&Bs, Airbnb and holiday cottages
  • MVDC’s own channels – press release and residents newsletter

Lots of hard work from Economic Development and Communications went into making this project happen and it would be great if you could support us too with spreading the word!

Get your cameras ready and head to Dorking Halls or the Swan Centre to walk on Stepping Stones; spot an otter and wave to a kingfisher. Share your pictures on social media using #StepIntoMoleValley and tag us in (@molevalleydc) – let your friends and family know too!

We look forward to seeing your snaps!

Find our walks here

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