Priority 5 – Enhancing Our Flexible Working Offer

From the minute you join us you will be given a laptop and, depending on the job that you do, a mobile phone. You will be able to access emails on your own device or on a work device. And you will be supported with new technology roll outs or systems training to work in the most effective way – whether that’s at home, out with a customer, in one of the Mole Valley District Council offices or elsewhere.

Where possible you will be eligible for flexible start and finish times too.

At the time of writing, whilst many of us have been working from home through the pandemic – we are developing a new Hybrid Working Policy. Your manager will be evaluating whether the work that you or your service do can be done from different locations, and if so, how he/she can implement hybrid working for you. By the beginning of October 2021 we expect to see our staff in the office at least 2 days per week. This will be a pilot – with the details yet to be worked through with your manager.

Of course flexibility cuts both ways. As with many modern employers, people who work for us rarely work 9 – 5 any more. Many go the extra mile to get the job done regardless of where they are. We therefore increasingly need sensible, grown up conversations as to how flexibility can work in a way that suits you whilst allowing our services to run seamlessly. 

We do not believe it is possible for one size to fit all in this area. We need to assess whether impacts are neutral or beneficial to our residents, and manage any risks either to you or to our property, ranging from data protection to lone working. But even though it may not be straightforward, we will not shy away from having active and well informed conversations to work things through so our employees can work in the way that makes the most sense. Like many employers we will continually seek to find the right balance too, so that our workers regularly collaborate, learn from each other, and come together to build the team spirit we are so well known for.

As technology and our understanding how to use it well continues to improve, we will find more and more ways to become agile. So we will keep exploring how to do this well. We will continue to learn from our experience as we pilot hybrid working.

In addition, as well as testing working from home systems and procedures all the time, all our jobs are advertised with the strap-line “Happy to talk flexible working” unless there is a good reason why this wouldn’t be possible.