Extra day’s leave for 21/22

Here is some further guidance from the HR team on the extra day’s leave that has been granted (further to Karen’s message last week) in recognition of a tough year, and the last minute disappointment of not being able to hold Christmas celebrations outside Pippbrook.

Please take the additional day, by agreement with your manager, outside the annual leave system.  The day is pro rata’d to your working arrangements (so if you work half time, you are being given an additional half day) and, as with any annual leave, please make arrangements with your manager as to when you would like to take the day, so that they can balance work demands with the rest of the team

In normal circumstances the HR team will set any bank holiday or ‘gifted’ days in the system in advance of the year, however if this is done part-way through the year all managers of part-time workers will have to re-adjust the system to ensure bank holiday credits and debits are added/deducted from annual leave.  This avoids the need to do that.

1 Comment

  • Blake, Mark says:

    Is there a timeframe attached to taking this additional day? Do we need to use it before 31st March 2022 or can it roll-over into the New Leave Year commencing 1st April 2022?
    Many thanks.
    Mark Blake – Revenues

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