Mole Valley Life Takes Part in Carers Fairs For Carers Rights’ Day

To help mark Carers’ Rights Day on 25th November, Mole Valley Life is proud to be taking part in Action For Carers Carers’ Fairs this week in Leatherhead and Redhill. With Adult Social Care staff, other charities and local organisations in attendance, carers will be able to ask practical, financial or legal questions about their caring role, as well as receive general support, advice and information. Some wellbeing and relaxation sessions are also on offer at the events. Pop along on 25th November, 10 – 2pm at the Harlequin Theatre in Redhill to visit Mole Valley Life’s stand and to find out more.

Carers’ Rights Day highlights the importance of all carers, whatever the stage of their caring journey, knowing and understanding their rights – and being able to access all the support they are entitled to and need.

To find out more about how Mole Valley Life can help to support carers, please call 01372 204500 or email

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