UK GDPR – Hybrid working

As we settle in to this new way of hybrid working, it would be helpful to provide staff with a UK GDPR reminder.  Please remember to:

  • Practise good computer security, adhering to the ICT Security policy, particularly when your laptop is in transit to and from the office.
  • Keep all hard copies of work-related documentation secure, do not carry anything loose to and from the office and use separate colour coded files to stop information getting muddled up.
  • Keep documents locked away at all times except when in use and dispose of them in the blue bins in the offices so that they are securely shredded – do not throw any hard copy documents out with your own household waste; and
  • Ensure that work-related information is safeguarded when working in public spaces, for example by:
    • positioning laptops so that others cannot see the screen;
    • not leaving laptops unattended;
    • not having confidential/business-sensitive conversations in public spaces; and
    • making sensible decisions where to work

Breaches of data protection must be reported to the Data Protection Officer (Tom Penlington) or deputy (Kate Butcher).

See here for quick tips and here for further details of UK GDPR requirements

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