Draft Council Strategy consultation launch

Following on from the Staff and Member workshops held in July, Officers have been busy working with Cabinet to finalise MVDC’s Draft Council Strategy for consultation.

The consultation is now open and will run until 5th November.

Supported by a multi-channel, vibrant and engaging communications campaign, the consultation seeks to establish ‘Have we got it right?’.

It’s easy to share your views on our Draft Council Strategy by completing our quick, select box, consultation survey online. For those who would prefer to share their views in hard copy form, printed copies are also available for collection from a number of distribution points around the district. We will also be running a number of in-person events, where participants will be supported to have their say.

Our next Council Strategy will run from 2024- 2028 and will shape the work that we undertake over the period. We are keen that the views of all communities in Mole Valley are represented, so please share the consultation information with your networks and widely, to help ensure that the feedback we receive is representative of Mole Valley’s needs and aspirations, now and for the future.

Thank you in advance for your support and don’t forget to have your say too!

If you would like printed copies of the consultation promotional literature to share with Mole Valley groups and communities, please contact communications@molevalley.gov.uk, who will be able to arrange this.

If you would like to find out more or if you are aware of other opportunities to promote our consultation, please contact lindsay.hill@molevalley.gov.uk in the Corporate Governance and Strategy team.

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