Emma’s SLT Blog

Highlight of this week for me was a continuous improvement presentation, with the analysis of the number and types of phone calls, emails, and face to face interactions that Benefits, Environmental Health, Housing and Revenues had in just one week.  It’s highlighted a number of types of enquiry which are candidates for either ‘shift left’ (using online forms) or process improvement or redesign and emphasises the scale of the potential opportunity that is there.    

Autumn is very definitely in the air – acorns and conkers underfoot, mist on the fields and sudden downpours – and after months of hard work behind the scenes, a whole host of things are taking place over the next week or so.  Hot on the heels of the very successful ‘Creativity Unwrapped’ Heritage Open Days – Mole Valley Arts Alive launches tomorrow (Saturday 23rd) outside Dorking Sports Centre, kicking off a month of events and activities.

Monday 25th September is ‘Move Day’ –with Legal and Democratic and Electoral Services moving to the ground floor of Pippbrook, and colleagues in Parks & Environment, Planning, Wellbeing and Community Safety teams moving at the same time.  It’s amazing what people have unearthed as part of emptying desks and cupboards, our shredding contractor will be kept very busy, but some amazing photographs of Victorian Dorking and a ‘Welcome to Pippbrook’ brochure dating back to when the offices were first built have been unearthed.  Thank you to everyone who is involved in making this happen.
Next week sees the launch of the public consultation on the Draft Council Strategy 2024-2028 – so please look out for the communications on that.

Bake Off 2023 is back and we have our very own Annual Cake Sale in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support on Thursday 28th September in the staff breakout area.  
Friday 29th September is the date of our inaugural Members Mole Valley bus tour where SLT will be on a bus with members to showcase to them everything MVDC does in a day.  Lots of teams are involved in this ‘show and tell’ opportunity and keeping to the timetable is going to be key!
For Transform Leatherhead, a month’s long consultation on the Riverside consultation starts on Saturday 30th September with a drop in event at the Swan Centre, Leatherhead – please do spread the word and if you happen to be passing, do come by and say hello.

Autumn also brings with it Remembrance Sunday.  Each year Mole Valley works with the Royal British Legion in both Dorking and Leatherhead to ensure that the road closures (and re-opening) go smoothly.  We are still looking for volunteers (another 10 for Dorking and another 6 for Leatherhead) so please do contact Rosemarie Moccia if you can help or just want to know more about what’s involved–details of pay and timings are on Molly.

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