Reminder: Change Leadership Book Club (“Future-Engage-Deliver”)

The first session of the book club has been arranged for Thursday 5th October at 1pm and will discuss the introduction and chapter 1. If you want to participate and receive an invitation please email

Are you interested in developing your leadership skills? If so, why not get involved in our book club launching in September which will be reading Leadership Plain and Simple by Steve Radcliffe, and will show you how to:

  • Be guided by the Future you want and stay focused on your vision
  • Engage others in productive and stimulating working relationships that make things happen.
  • Deliver the results you need to really move your business forward.

The book club is open to anybody who is interested we are aiming to hold the sessions (hybrid) on Thursday afternoons every 3 weeks. Each chapter is only 5 to 10 pages and we will only focus on one chapter at a time so there is no heavy reading requirement! Seonaid will lead the discussions on the chapter we will have just read at each catch up.

We will leave some copies of the book in the breakout area of Pippbrook to be read on breaks (please leave these copies in the office to ensure they are available to everyone) and will have some copies available to loan out if you contact the Transformation Team (these copies can be taken home for short periods). The book is available online and you may be able to find a good deal on a second-hand copy.

If you are interested in joining, please email and we will make sure you receive further details and an invitation for our first session! There are a number of other learning opportunities available for staff to book, including digital learning courses and a resilience workshop, for more details please click here –

Leadership by Steve Radcliffe | Waterstones

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