
The book shelves in the break out area have been restocked so please do take a look and help yourselves.

We have also added in some donated DVDs along the top of the shelves. Again these are free so please take any you like. We will remove these in 2 weeks if they are not wanted and donate them to charity


  • Day, Emma says:

    We now have a small book corner in Dorking Halls cafe too – perhaps we could move a selection to Dorking Halls for our customers in the cafe?

    • Tandy, Rozena says:

      There are some boxes with the books that were on the shelves previously outside the print room. You are welcome to those if you would like, before they head off to the charity shop?

  • Woolgar,Alison says:

    Well don for tidying this area up. It looks so much better! Thank you.

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