Wellbeing Wednesday – Resilience Workshop 

Building sustainable resilience underpins successful engagement with daily life. By stepping out of “autopilot” and developing a greater awareness of certain behaviour patterns, we become equipped to respond more effectively to stressful situations rather than reacting in old familiar ways.

To support you to effectively manage and focus on what is within our control, turning challenges into opportunities, we are running a Resilience Workshop, run by Claire Griffin from Mindfulness Web, that is available to all staff on the following dates: 

Wednesday 20th September, 1.30-4pm, online session via Zoom 

Thursday 12th October, 1.30-4, in person session at Pippbrook (Blue & Green rooms)

We have provided two dates, one on line and one in person. The content of both session will be the same so please book the course with the learning style you prefer. If you would like to book a space on this course please firstly speak with your manager and agreed your attendance and email hr.admin@molevalley.gov.uk with your preferred date. Places will be offered on a first come first served basis.

This course would be particularly useful to you if you:

  • Are experiencing irritability, difficulty in concentrating, headaches, sleeplessness, or a general sense of being overwhelmed.
  • Are curious to learn about Mindfulness and how it can benefit you and other
  • Would like to have some practical tools you can use to help self-manage stress and introduce moments of calm into the busy day
  • Would like to understand more about what stress is and how to prevent burnout by establishing supportive habits now

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