Learning & Development for You

As part of the Council’s People Strategy we want to provide you with opportunities to learn and develop new skills and ways of working to support you in delivering the Evolve 2026 programme over the next 3 years and create a long term learning and development culture. 

To begin our learning journey we have been working with managers to enhance coaching and mentoring skills. Helping our managers to support our people through this period of change, providing constructive communication and questioning techniques. We have also been working with our Mental Health First Aiders to refresh their skills and techniques to continue to support your with your Mental Health needs. 

Learning available to you now 

Digital learning 

We have also been working to develop and enhance our eLearning offering, particularly to provide a greater understanding of Continuous Improvement and Transformation processes. 

For those who prefer the digital format, here is a selection of eLearning courses that are currently available: 

  • Dealing with Change
  • Creating a digital culture 
  • Project Management Module 
  • Introduction to Continuous Improvement
  • Introduction to Business Improvement Techniques

You can explore all of the eLearning courses available at out Mole Valley Learn Go1 portal. These can be accessed through Molly at any time and are free of charge. Don’t hold back! You can explore, dip in and out and complete as many courses as you like. 

Identified learning needs 

You will have spoken to your manager about your learning needs as part of your PDR discussion and we are working with managers to provide suitable routes to meet those, where it is a general rather than service specific need. 

Resilience Workshop 

In addition we are aware that there are challenging targets for the organisation to meet alongside other potential pressures (personally, economically and globally). To support you to effectively manage and focus on what is within our control, turning challenges into opportunities, we are running a Resilience Workshop that is available to all staff on the following dates: 

Wednesday 20th September, 1.30-4pm, online session via Zoom 

Thursday 12th October, 1.30-4, in person session at Pippbrook (Blue & Green rooms) 

We have provided two dates, one on line and one in person. The content of both session will be the same so please book the course with the learning style you prefer. If you would like to book a space on this course please firstly speak with your manager and agreed your attendance and email hr.admin@molevalley.gov.uk with your preferred date. Places will be offered on a first come first served basis. 

Future learning and development 

If you are interested in developing your leadership skills look out for further information on Molly about the leadership skills book club that will be available to join very soon. 

There will be further learning opportunities to come. If you have any suggestions for learning and development that you think the organisation could benefit from, please contact HRAdmin with your thoughts, we are keen to hear them!

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