Meeting Room Technology Update

ICT has made some changes in the meeting rooms: Pink, Green, Blue, SLT and Innovation Space.

We have installed docking stations behind each TV and designed and 3D printed brackets to hold them, the TV remote and a holder for the speaker. (Hooks for the cables will follow). 

None of these items are to be removed, and if anything breaks or doesn’t work, please let ICT know ASAP.

How do I use it?


Connecting laptops to the TV is now done via a single USB-C cable – the same as on each desk. 

Once the cable is plugged in, the TV works as an external monitor (Windows key + P). Your laptop is also charged so no need for a power supply.

Speaker / Microphone

Each room is equipped with a speaker/microphone device (seen on the picture below) that can be plugged in to your laptop.


We have also included a wide-angle camera in each room. They are located on top of the TVs.


The TVs are all using HDMI 1. 

Your laptop will need to be on the Wi-Fi – so anyone (including external parties) can plug in with the cable.

Note: Meeting Room CR1/2 doesn’t have this setup so you can still request the camera tripod from the ICT Service Desk as usual

Feedback welcome

We have tried to make this solution as user friendly as possible and ICT welcome any feedback you may have. This solution is custom made and significantly cheaper than Microsoft’s own solutions.


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