Plastic Free July – Choose to Refuse!

Choose to Refuse

Will you join the millions of people around the world taking part to beat plastic pollution? 

The theme for this year’s campaign is ‘small steps, big difference’!

What step will you choose this July?

You could:

  • avoid using pre-packaged produce
  • carry a refillable water bottle
  • use a re-useable coffee cup

Making small changes will collectively make a massive difference to our communities.

Sign up to the challenge at

1 Comment

  • says:

    Hello – a timely reminder from Dorking Halls cafe in relation to the PLASTICFREEJULY campaign:

    Dorking Halls Cafe promotes the use of re-usable hot drinks cups with a 25p discount on the drink of your choice, available all year round.

    Just pop in with your cup and benefit from 25p off the price of your coffee, tea or Belgian hot chocolate!

    No cup?? No problem!! We have a range of reusable cups for sale, priced at £6.99 which also includes your first 2 drinks using the cup, on us!!

    We look forward to seeing you.


    P.S. Don’t forget that MVDC staff also benefit from a 15% discount, valid across our entire range of food and drink!

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