Get involved with The Great Big Green Week! 

The Great Big Green Week, is taking place until 18 June and is the UK’s biggest celebration of community action to tackle climate change and protect nature. 

We have put together some ideas on how you can you have a sustainable life:


Make your lunch or dinner from leftovers. 

Not only can you get creative in making nutritious and delicious meals, but you will also be saving money and time, reducing waste, and promoting sustainability. 

Did you know 36 million tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions could be prevented by saving food from our bins in UK homes?* 

For inspiration on what to make, see the recipes on Surrey Environment Partnerships website



Give composting a go! 

Composting is cheap and transforms your kitchen and garden waste into a valuable nutrient food for your garden. 

Grass cuttings, dried leaves, twigs, and vegetable peelings can be put into a compost bin or heap and will produce a nutrient-rich, peat-free compost that can be used to help gardens grow. 

Did you know that the UK throws 6.4 million tonnes of completely edible food away per year?*

Surrey residents can currently buy a range of compost bins and hot composters at a discounted price



Walk or cycle to work, school or your local shops. 

By walking and cycling more, you can stay fit and healthy whilst reducing your carbon footprint. It is also good for your mental wellbeing. 

Did you know walking one mile to work, which takes about 20 minutes will burn off 164 calories? (there and back!)*



Carry a reusable water bottle or coffee cup with you. 

This will help make a positive impact on reducing your plastic waste. 

Did you know 2.5bn paper cups are used every year in the UK, that’s almost 5000 cups being discarded every minute?* 

There are over 75 water refill stations in Mole Valley.  

If you are a Mole Valley business and have not signed up to the scheme yet, it is quick and easy to do. Simply email to sign up – and help us make it to 100 refill stations in the district! 



Eat food that is in season.  

Buying local seasonal produce can help to reduce carbon emissions as the time to get the food from the ground to your plate is reduced – plus it is fresher and tastes better!  

See what food is in season on the Vegetarian Society website

Did you know 75% of the world’s food supply comes from just 12 plants and five animal species?*

Head down to the Dorking Friday Market between 8.30am to 2pm in St Martin’s Walk car park today – you will find quality produce at affordable prices, what will you make this weekend? 

To see what other markets are on in Mole Valley.



Have a reduced-plastic picnic. 

If the weather is looking great and you are planning to trip to your local park or green space for a picnic, have a sustainable one!  

Take reusable platers, cutlery, and glasses; cook your lunch from scratch at home and pick loose fruits and vegetables.  

Did you know we generate around 5 million tonnes of plastic each year in the UK?* 

Remember to take your rubbish home with you, put your leftovers in your compost bin and take your single use plastics to a local bring site



Use less water. 

Shower instead of taking a bath and install a water-saving shower-head. Turn off water whilst shaving or brushing your teeth too. 

Not only is this good for the environment, but it can help you save money! 

Did you know that swapping one bath a week with a 4-minute shower could save you £20 a year? 

For more tips on conserving water, visit the Wildlife Trusts website

More ways to go green 

Find more inspiration on our ‘Going Green’ pages.  

They are packed with ideas on how to live more sustainably and cover four key areas: food, for the home, reducing, reusing, and recycling and travel. 

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