Karen’s SLT Blog

At a time when local authorities are often focused on how to save money it’s been really positive for me this week to be able to focus on how we can spend money!

Some of you might know that we were awarded £1m of UK Shared Prosperity funding over a 3-year period to help improve “pride in place”. Last year we received a small amount from this pot and that enabled us to provide grant assistance to 11 very worthy organisations operating across Mole Valley. This year we have received a little more so, as well as continuing the grants, we are able to fund holiday activities for young people and will later employ a temporary resource to help set up more volunteering groups across the district. However, next year we will receive approx. £850k and any of it that isn’t spent within the year will have to be handed back – so we need to make sure we have a robust plan that meets the Government’s requirements and the resources and staff in place to hit the ground running at the beginning of April. I’ve spent considerable time this week drafting a discussion document for Cabinet which will help confirm the projects which they want to fund. This also helped me brief Lindsay Hill who will be helping to Project Manage the programme and will be working with relevant teams to make the most of this really great opportunity.

I’ve also spent time this week thinking about our Council Strategy – as you know this sets out the Council’s vision, our objectives and identifies some guiding principles for our day to day work. As finances become more restricted the Council Strategy becomes increasingly important in ensuring that we are focused on the right things and are allocating available funding appropriately. It’s due for renewal later this year and I’m really keen that it is not only shaped by all Members but that staff have an opportunity to help develop it too. So this is where you come in – I am looking for about 40 volunteers to take part in a workshop on the 20 July in Dorking Halls. Working with SLT (don’t let that put you off!!) you’ll share your thoughts on the vision, on what Mole Valley means to you and what you think the Council should focus on during these challenging times. It will be a very relaxed, interactive session, the outcome of which will be fed back to Members. If you would like to be involved please check with your manager and let Lindsay Hill know. I’m keen to get representation from all teams if at all possible so please, if you are interested, do volunteer.

My other focus this week has been on health. Many of you know that I have an interest in this and worked for a few years in the NHS. I currently represent all Districts and Boroughs on the Surrey Health and Wellbeing Board and am now the chair the Mole Valley Partnership Board which is focused on what we can do collectively to help prevent ill-health. I know GPs get a bad press at the current time but I’m working with 2 great ones who are so enthusiastic and totally committed to doing what they can to help residents. It’s very early days, the Board has only recently formed, but I’m optimistic that we will actually deliver some tangible improvements – we’ve also managed to get our hands on some health money – so that’s a bonus!

Think that’s it from me this time. I do hope that you have a lovely weekend, think it will be gardening for me – every time I blink the grass and weeds seem to grow.  Anyhow, whatever you do, enjoy.


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