Records Management Policy

We have recently updated the Records Management Policy which is published on the website here: Mole Valley District Council Record Management Policy

There are a number of actions that all staff are responsible for and we thought it would be helpful to put out a reminder as follows:

Roles and Responsibilities

Lead responsibility for the records and information management function has been allocated to MVDC’s Senior Information Risk Owner (“SIRO”).

The Strategic Leadership Team and relevant Business Unit Managers (or Information Asset Owners) are responsible for:

  • Ensuring local procedures are implemented to comply with this policy
  • Ensuring staff understand their record keeping responsibilities and have adequate time and resources to properly undertake these activities.
  • Ensuring record keeping systems enable identification of records due for disposal.
  • Contributing and enforcing compliance with business retention and disposal requirements set out in the Records Retention and Disposal Schedule.
  • Identifying vital business records and records suitable for historical permanent preservation.
  • Identifying whether semi-active physical records should be located (off or on site) in secure storage.
  • Ensuring that appropriate access restrictions and password protections are used for confidential information stored on shared drives.
  • Highlighting any concerns in terms of records and information management with the SIRO.

All Staff are responsible for:

  • Managing the records they create and use on a day to day basis.
  • Retaining all records in line with identified business requirements and as outlined in the Records Retention and Disposal Schedule.
  • Ensuring records are saved and filed in such a way that is meaningful and facilitates timely retrieval by those with similar access privileges.
  • Disposing of records in accordance with the requirements of the Records Retention and Disposal Schedule.
  • Bringing any issues in relation to information and records management to the attention of their manager as soon as possible.

If you have any questions please contact

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