Meeting room basic dos and don’ts:


  • cancel your booking if no longer required
  • leave the room clean and tidy
  • contact the property team either via Helpdesk on Molly or email if you need assistance (minimum 1 day’s notice)


  • use the meeting rooms for 1-2-1s or for one person to have a Teams meeting. There are Teams meeting areas to the left of the blue meeting room. For 1-2-1s use the breakout area, the drums, orange room or the secluded corner behind Benefits.
  • move the tables with the brakes on
  • remove any cables like HDMIs

1 Comment

  • Tandy, Rozena says:

    Can I ask why we can no longer use the meeting rooms for 1:1’s? I don’t feel it is always appropriate to discuss wellbeing or work/performance issues in shared areas. I fear it will inhibit open conversations.

    The orange room is a great space for 1-2-1’s but is not bookable before 11am and does not have the iPad system so if people see it is not yet filled they will jump in without checking the booking system.

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