Elections – Thank You!

I just wanted to say a huge thank you to all of the elections team and everyone involved with working on the elections and the count.

This year brought particular challenges and it really could not have gone any better – this doesn’t happen by accident but because of a lot of hard work, meticulous planning and  huge amounts of goodwill from all involved.  

I hope the long weekend brought an opportunity for some rest and relaxation and that you weren’t all dreaming of sticking bits of paper to grass skirts!!

I also want to thank everyone who made sure that services continued to operate throughout the Thursday and Friday – I know that taking so many staff out puts real pressure on others – so huge thanks for making sure that everything was covered.

I will run through the results tomorrow during the All Staff (On line) Briefing  but, in summary, the Liberal Democrats increased their majority (they now hold 30 seats out of 39), the Ashtead Independents have become the largest opposition group with 6 seats and we have 3 Conservatives. We are now busy working on what this means for seats on Committees etc but more of this tomorrow …

Best Wishes


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