Our transformation brand – which one inspires you the most?

As we’ve already started to talk about, our aim is to transform our services and ways of working so that we are digital by default, valued by our customers, with high-performing, modernised services, and a future focussed workforce.

We want to ensure Mole Valley is a fantastic place to live, work and visit. To this we need to embed a culture of continuous improvement and make sure we’re clear about how we will deliver our priorities. We want MVDC to be a great place to work – attracting the best talent and retaining our people because they feel developed and interested in their work. And of course, everything we do must align to Mole Valley’s vision to protect and enhance our beautiful natural environment. 

To be successful we’ll need everyone in MVDC to be involved and this is why we want an inspiring brand that will bring it all together.

The new brand will bring all our change work together under one banner, becoming a recognisable symbol of positive change and something that will feel owned by all of us. We will use it to illustrate the progress we make each year and to mark our successes on the way – big and small – everything we do to continuously improve will matter! 

As this is ‘our brand’, we would like you to tell us which name inspires you the most?

Below are 3 brand names and 2 strap lines that we would like you to vote on. Please pick one name and one strap line that you think best represents what we’ve described above.

Which name?

Which strapline?

The winning name and strapline will be developed into logo options by the Communications team and presented during an All-in Day in April so that you can tell us more about how you think the brand is developing, and so you can keep sharing your ideas for how we really bring it to life!


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