It’s International Polar Bear Day!

The message from Polar Bears International is shared and supported by the Mole Valley Climate Change Action Plan

To meet NetZero targets by 2030 by supporting the reduction of fossil fuels, building a better future within our community and promoting a more sustainable way of living, we asked staff to pledge to reduce their carbon emissions in September last year.

Issues facing the habitats of polar bears may feel like a world away from what we’re experiencing in Surrey. The mission of Polar Bears International is to conserve the sea ice habitat polar bears depend on that’s lost through global warming. Sea ice plays a huge part in controlling global temperature and reflecting solar radiation out of our atmosphere that would contribute to further warming and preventing sea level rises that cause flooding.

Climate change profoundly impacts our day-to-day lives, from weather to health risks. Having eco-awareness can leave us feeling anxious, a normal response to such a significant complex issue. If you think this affects you and would like to take action, please email and/or visit the Employee Assistance Programme website for more information and support on managing climate anxiety. 

Change can be daunting however in September staff pledged to reduce their carbon emissions by 3,312 kg per year by committing to small changes through pledging. Thank you for your commitment to your personal pledges!

This article from the BBC is worth a read about climate emotions:

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