New Floor Printers

Dear All

New floor printers are scheduled to be delivered to Pippbrook Offices, Dorking Halls and Park House on Tuesday 21st February 2023. The Equitrac install is booked for the 23rd February, and to keep disruption to a minimum, some machines will be kept in situ until the Equitrac install is complete.

Printers which will be kept until the Equitrac install is complete are in the following areas:

  1. Council Tax
  2. Parking/Parks
  3. Planning
  4. Democratic, Electoral and Legal Services
  5. Dorking Halls
  6. Park House

All remaining floor printers will be collected on Tuesday 21st February 2023.

The new machines will be installed in the following locations:

  1. Council Tax
  2. Chief Exc. (SLT)
  3. Accounts
  4. Democratic, Electoral and Legal Services
  5. Dorking Halls (upstairs)
  6. Park House

Please note that the Print Room is unaffected by this and will remain open as per usual.

Thank you in advance for your patience during this work.

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