Heating at Pippbrook is back on!

Thank you all for putting up with the cold office and no hot water this morning! One of our contractors had inadvertently left the system that controls the equipment in the plant room in ‘sleep mode’ last night whilst working on it. We have worked hard and fast to get everything up and running again and the temperature should continue to rise throughout the day.

This morning’s situation is on top of our continued problem in the plant room. Since before Christmas parts of our heating system has been down due to an electronic component being faulty. To our frustration the part has yet to be delivered to the engineers in spite of constant pressure to get things moving. This puts additional stress on our heating and ventilation system especially during the cold spells we have experienced in the past few weeks. We monitor the temperature every day and make adjustments to the settings where necessary to try and create pleasant working conditions in all the areas in the office. Again, thank you for bearing with us and please continue to let us know via property@molevalley.gov.uk if you think your area is unacceptably cold.

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