Mole Valley Life Feedback

Following a recent Community Responder call out, Mole Valley Life’s Phil received glowing feedback from a Physiotherapist at Surrey Downs Health and Care!

“Can I just say what an absolutely fantastic service you provide for helping patients when they fall and can’t get up, I was so impressed with the service received! The lady I was visiting fell when she got up from the chair to answer the door to me. After I gained accessed and pressed her call button, Phil was with us within about 15 minutes and the lady was safely raised up with the Raiser Chair and back in her chair in a matter of minutes, uninjured and grateful to be off the floor. Your service is an absolute asset and I am spreading the word to the rest of our team within Surrey Downs Health and care.” Roanna – Physiotherapist at Surrey Downs Health and Care

Well done to Phil, and the rest of the Community Responder and Alarm Receiving Centre teams, keep up the great work!

To find out more about the Community Responder, Lifeline Alarm and Technology Enabled Care (TEC) service that Mole Valley Life provides, please visit or call 01372 204500.

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