Portable Appliances – Near Miss

We had a near miss reported towards the end of 2022 when an unsafe extension lead was found within a communal area of the Pippbrook office. When a staff member went to remove a plug from the extension, it gave way slightly. The staff member then unplugged the extension from the power socket in order to remove the appliance, and the casing cracked and showed further signs of damage.

The photograph shows the condition of the extension lead by the time it had been moved out of use and bought to the Property team. As you can see, the extension lead had degraded significantly over time and this type of near miss highlights the risk portable appliances can represent.

This scenario could have been different, had the member of staff not noticed the extension’s condition at the time, which could have resulted in significant injury.

We would like to take this opportunity to remind everyone that the recorded visual inspections undertaken in July last year were a snapshot of the condition of our portable appliances. We must remain vigilant and visually check equipment for cracks, exposed wires, frayed cables, signs of burning or other damage each time we use an item.  In particular, avoid using portable appliances bought in from home in the office or any other MVDC premises.

If you find any portable appliances or equipment that appear unsafe – report this immediately to the Property team and do not use the item.

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