Staff Hub Meeting Updates

At Staff Hub this week we discussed a range of topics:

Health and Safety – Staff Hub have a role as the H&S committee for MVDC. Don’t forget the importance of reporting “near misses”. Studies show that 600 near misses could lead to 10 serious incidents. Reporting a near miss is really easy and could make a huge difference so don’t forget to report it here: Report a Near Miss.

Wellbeing – this week we discussed government guidance on menopause and how people can be supported in the workplace during this transitional period in their lives.  We also discussed Climate Change Anxiety and how it feeds in to other aspects of wellbeing such as the cost of living crisis, the effect on outdoor spaces and food production etc.  Look out for further updates on these items in the coming weeks….

Climate Change – now that there are more of us working back in the office we discussed any activities we can do to meet NetZero targets by 2030. Small changes that people can stick to work best so we are planning on introducing compost bins in the breakout area for teabags and fruit skin and also a recycling station for crisp packets and sweet wrappers.  Other ideas include: food shares (home grown produce), recipe shares, love your leftovers, swapping food not used, and sustainable ways to eat meat.

Staff social events – last year the lunch time walks proved very popular so we are hoping to organise a litter picking walk to coincide with the Great British Spring Clean day at the end of March.

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