Staff Hub Meeting 22nd September

At Staff Hub last week we discussed a range of topics:

Health and Safety – Staff Hub have a role as the H&S committee for MVDC.  Coming into the third quarter of the financial year we wanted to remind all teams to have H&S as an agenda item for your team meetings.  Please feel free to raise anything that comes up with one of us.

The Great Big Green Week – starts on the 27th September and runs for 9 days.  Staff Hub members are supporting Lottie and the Climate Change team in promoting how we can tackle climate change, protect nature and live a healthier lifestyle through our actions.  Pledge your small changes by coming into the office and writing them on the Break Out area window!!  Don’t forget – reusable coffee cups can be purchased from Dorking Halls

Staff Benefits – we have teamed up with a number of businesses in Dorking to offer benefits and discounts to MVDC staff.  Look out for reminders on Molly and give us your feedback so we know how it’s going.

Staff social events – there is loads going on at Dorking Halls. Mindfest is on the 9th October and on the 20th November the Christmas Lights will be switched on. More details can be found on the DH website:

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