Karen Update


Dear colleague

As explained at the all staff Briefing a number of changes are happening at SLT level. In particular, Nick has retired and Paul and Kate are both leaving us during September.

Nick has been replaced by Claire Morris who joined us on 15 August. At the current time she is responsible for Finance and Corporate Governance and Strategy but I now need to confirm the portfolio of services that she will lead and what arrangements I will put in place to cover the gaps once Paul and Kate leave.

Having given this considerable thought I am keen to use this opportunity to do what I can to maximise capacity at SLT level but within the current budget. I am also mindful of new pressures and responsibilities which need to be absorbed at SLT level and of the benefits of doing more to maximise the use of technology in order to ensure that we are delivering customer focused services in the most cost effective and efficient way. 

In light of this I have –

  • Deleted the posts of Strategic Lead of HR and OD and Democratic Services and Electoral service Manager from the structure and introduced a new post of Executive Head of Service (Corporate and Member Services). These changes triggered an internal restructure of the remaining members of SLT and I’m delighted to confirm that Bella has been appointed as our Executive Head of Service (Corporate and Member Services). I hope you will join me in congratulating her on this well-deserved promotion.
  • Replaced the role of Executive Head of Service (People and Environment) but not on a like for like basis (I.e. with a different portfolio of services). The new role, Executive Head of Service (Transformation and Partnerships) is currently out to advert. If you would like an informal chat about the post Piers would be really pleased to talk to you.
  • Reviewed and confirmed the portfolios for each Exec Head, as follows –
  • Deputy Chief Executive and Executive Head (Planning and Environment)

Development Management, Planning support, Planning Policy, Parks and Climate Change

  • Executive Head (Finance and Strategy) and S151 Officer

Financial services (including Exchequer and Revenues), Governance and Strategy, Benefits and Procurement

  • Executive Head (Corporate and Member Services) and Monitoring Officer

Legal, Democratic Services, Electoral Services, HR and OD

  • Executive Head (Community)

Housing, wellbeing/community safety and enforcement, Mole valley Life

  • Executive Head (Prosperity)

Property and Regeneration, Economic Development and Dorking Halls

  • Executive Head (Transformation and partnerships) 

CSU, ICT, Communications and Partnerships (Including Env Health, Building Control and JWS)     

Within the structure Piers, Bella, Emma and Claire will report to me while Rachel and the new Exec Head will report to Piers. An updated organisation chart will be put on Molly as soon as possible.

Kate’s leaving has already triggered a review of the structure within the HR and OD team and I am aware that the changes above will trigger the need to relook at the structure of Democratic and Electoral Services. This work will be completed as quickly as possible as it is hoped that all changes above will come into effect on 3 October 2022.

Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to speak to me, Piers or your Exec Head.

Best Wishes


1 Comment

  • Miles, Ellie says:

    Just wondering when the updated Organisational Structure will be available on Molly please now that the changes have come into effect?

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