Survey about Customer Contact

As an organisation, Mole Valley is keen to understand how we currently engage with our customers and respond to their needs. 

A good starting point is to assess where and how these interactions happen and which colleagues and teams are engaged in this activity – and this is where we need your help!

We’ve compiled a short staff survey which we’d like everyone to complete. This will provide a platform for further staff engagement – our ambition is to improve the experience for customers and staff and ensure we’re adding value to each and every contact.

The questionnaire will ask you how long you spend in a typical week doing various activities – we are very aware it may be hard, for some of you, to envisage this – especially if there is no such thing as a typical week – so this will need to be a judgment call giving us your best guess.

And as for those who are not sure how to define customer – whilst this survey is most relevant to services that are particularly outward facing – we would like to know how all departments service their customers depending on how they choose to define it. (The response is named*, and asks you to specify which department you work for, so it will allow for interpretation/prioritisation as appropriate).

You can access the survey here.

The closing date is Monday 22ndAugust. There is unfortunately no ability to extend the deadline beyond this as it fits with some research a specialist consultant is doing for us and will inform his final report. We’d like to thank you in advance for your participation.

*The responses will be picked up by Kate Ivackovic and passed to the consultant undertaking this research for us in order to summarise departmental patterns and trends in management reports reviewing our customer related activities. The data will not be retained or accessed for any other purpose.

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