Break out Area

Staff Hub have teamed up with the Property team to make some changes to the staff breakout spaces at Pippbrook recently.  Here is what you may have noticed:

  • One of the drums is now a designated quiet area between 12 and 2pm.
  • The picnic benches up on the roof have been restored for us by the Dorking Men’s Shed – they now provide a lovely sunny space to enjoy your lunch without ruining your work clothes!
  • For those of you who like something a bit more energising at lunchtime we have a Nintendo Wii in the Break Out Area.  The console has been provided by Franki in CSU.  Please feel free to bring any of your old games and leave them for others to enjoy (at your own risk of course!).
  • Following the success of the “All In” day on the 20th July the ping pong table will be outside for the duration of the summer, we just need to make it secure before it can stay out there permanently. There is a protective cover for it so please can you cover it up when you finish your game.
  • And lastly the chairs and tables in the break out area have been moved around with the addition of some lovely plants to create some nice social areas and to maximise the beautiful views.

If anyone has any other ideas or suggestions please let us know.

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