Message from Karen
“Those of you who have watched my video last week will have heard about our first “all in day” – many of you have said that it would be great if we could all get together so SLT is encouraging as many Pippbrook staff as possible to come into the office on Wednesday 20th July. While details are still being worked up – for those who get in early we will have some breakfast goodies for you to enjoy, we were thinking of a picnic over lunchtime (outside the offices weather permitting) and then there will be a guided walk of the Deepdene trail organised by staff hub in the late afternoon/evening for anyone who would like to go – there might even be a trip to a local pub to round off the day!
The Leader will also come in on the 20th and we will run an All Staff Briefing so that he can explain his vision and aspirations for this municipal year.
I know leave etc will mean that not everyone will be able to come in that day but please, if you can, do come in and catch up with your colleagues. Hopefully we will do another day sometime in October”