Political Awareness Workshop for Officers – 8 June – Still Spaces!

There are still places available for the Political Awareness Workshop for Officers on 8 June.  Morning or afternoon sessions are being held in Committee Room 1 at Pippbrook.  If you are interested in attending, please email Rosemarie Moccia rosemarie.moccia@molevalley.gov.uk

Purpose:  by the end of the session participants will have:  

  • Considered a range of issues relating to officer/member relationships  
  • Discussed the implications of these for effective working
  • Identified tactics and positive behaviours for use when working with members  
  • Considered how to build rapport and influence effectively and appropriately   


  • Helen Reeves – Programme Manager, LGA
  • Member Peer – TBC

Programme timetable:

Morning session


09.30 Welcome and introduction  


09.40 Overview of political and corporate leadership

  • Understanding the roles of councillors and officers
  • The Council as a political organisation
  • The political context
  • Collective corporate responsibility

10.30 Group exercise – breakout discussion and feedback 

11.00–11.15 COMFORT BREAK

11.15 Understanding one another and working together

  • What kind of officer to councillors want?
  • Understanding councillor motivations
  • Reasonable expectations
  • Maximising influence
  • Building rapport  


12.00 – Group exercise – including officer reflections from the session and new approaches  


12.30 CLOSE

Evaluation forms 


Afternoon session


13.30  Welcome and introduction  


13.40  Overview of political and corporate leadership

  • Understanding the roles of councillors and officers
  • The Council as a political organisation
  • The political context
  • Collective corporate responsibility

14.30 Group exercise – breakout discussion and feedback 

15.00–15.15 COMFORT BREAK

15.15 Understanding one another and working together

  • What kind of officer to councillors want?
  • Understanding councillor motivations
  • Reasonable expectations
  • Maximising influence
  • Building rapport  


16.00 – Group exercise – including officer reflections from the session and new approaches  


16.30 CLOSE

Evaluation forms 

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