New Office Rules and Covid Guidance section on Molly

You may well have noticed that on the top right hand side of Molly the (previously large) section on Coronavirus looks different.

This is because all of the old Q&As and detailed sections to support staff through the height of the pandemic and consequent restrictions have now been stripped away and replaced with:

  • Lighter touch Office Rules for Pippbrook and for Working outside the office (Visits etc.)
  • A new Q&A section for staff and their managers

The HR team continue to be available to support where there are difficulties in interpretation however since the new government guidance and ending of freely available Covid tests, the burden has largely shifted from protection to business continuity.

There are, however, exceptions. Please be aware that if you are immunosuppressed or pregnant (before you reach the third trimester of pregnancy) you will need an occupational health referral to review your work activities. Please see guidance in the relevant section and contact your manager to arrange it as soon as possible. Note this still applies, i.e. you need to have an assessment, even if you were previously ‘shielded’. This is a new exercise.  

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