Shine Awards

This month, we presented three more Shine Awards:-

Richard Creagh

Web Analyst and Design Manager

Richard was nominated by a member of staff who said “back in February MVDC’s website had been audited by the Cabinet Office for accessibility. The audit confirmed that the website wasn’t accessible and we had been given a list of actions to complete in order to satisfy auditors and make the site compliant with accessibly standards. The task had a deadline of 11 April.  Richard has worked tirelessly on completing the actions in time and most of the fixes he delivered himself. He has also provided help and advice to web champions ensuring that they understand accessibility principles as well as produced a set of helpful guidelines and templates for users to follow.  After completing the actions, the Cabinet Office got back to us with some further queries on the Accessibility Statement. Richard spent a lot of time and effort on revising the statement on the website and making sure that it followed best practice and Cabinet Office recommendations.  Last week, we received a confirmation from the Cabinet Office that the auditors are satisfied with the current state of MVDC website and no further action is required. Richard’s determination, commitment, knowledge and skills proved to be invaluable in completing this difficult project. He truly shined and should be recognised”

Renae Howell

Payroll and HR Officer

Renae was nominated by a member of staff who said “Renae was on annual leave when her line manager was unexpectedly taken into hospital. Her manager was due to cover the payroll process in Renae absence. It is only these two people within the organisation that can complete this task.  This period of unexpected absence was at a critical point in the payroll process as it was payroll cut off and the change of the financial year. In the cut off period all the required information must be inputted into the system to ensure the smooth running for the Monthly Payroll and strict deadlines are applied. Renae entered changes for starters, leavers and contractual changes and managed all the queries that come into the various inboxes.  Renae was an excellent team player, stepping in (without being asked), picking up work on 3 of her annual leave days as well as her non-working day to ensure that all relevant information was inputted by the deadline, and handing over to her manager on Monday to ensure she was okay with what had been done during her absence. She did this with a no fuss approach and left everything in an organised state for the return of her manager.  Renae is very conscientious about the smooth running of the payroll process. This attitude ensured that everything was paid accurately and on time. Payroll regularly goes unnoticed unless there is an issue, so I would like to take this opportunity to say a big thank you and to show how much her commitment and team work is appreciated”

Richard Hoare

Housing Officer

Richard was nominated by a member of the public who said “Richard is a credit to the housing team.  On a number of occasions when I was struggling with the process, he was there to offer a friendly chat and words of reassurance with sincerity each and every time. I am ever-so grateful for all of his support throughout. Even after a property had been offered to me back in February, he was there to answer my queries and follow up with Clarion as to why the property was taking so long.  Some twelve weeks later, I have now been offered a viewing and sign up. This will be life changing for me and my two children to have a home that we can all sleep and live in comfortably is a dream come true. Thank you to MVDC, in particular Richard, I believe his hard-work and caring attitude should be recognised”

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