Staff Quiz Shine Awards

Dan Joyce, Stephanie Martin, Kate Butcher and Holly Whittingham all received a Shine award for their help in organising the staff quiz at Dorking Halls.

They were nominated by a member of staff who said:

“The Staff Quiz held at Dorking Halls you helped to organise was fantastic.  It was not an easy event to organise in the context of the uncertainty created by Omicron and whether or not it would be possible or appropriate to hold a staff social event following the earlier last minute cancellation of the Christmas get together.  The evening ran very smoothly and was great fun and a nice way to meet one or two new colleagues in person too. A huge amount of hard work must have happened behind the scenes on top of day jobs, and I believe family members were roped in along the way (not least to help road test the quiz questions) well done and thank you for organising a great event”

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