Pay Award 2021/22 and 2022/23

We are pleased to confirm that the pay award for 2021/22 has finally been settled at 1.75% through the national pay bargaining process and pay for this financial year will now be amended to reflect this. A 1% pay award was added to MVDC pay scales at the beginning of this financial year (April 2021). The additional 0.75% will be backdated to 1 April 21 and you will receive the lump sum reflecting the difference in your pay for March 2022.  Details of the updated pay scales can be found on Molly.

A further cost of living pay increase of 2.6%, mirroring the council tax increase to Mole Valley residents, will be awarded in April 2022 and applied to the 2022/23 pay scales. The new pay scales will be placed on Molly in the usual way in due course. The national pay bargaining process for 2022/23 is unlikely to conclude until later in the year, therefore if this turns out to be higher than 2.6% the difference will be paid in the same way as the above. This is due to the commitment to MVDC staff that annual cost of living increments will be at least equal to the national award despite opting out of all other national terms and conditions.

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