Staff Hub Meeting – Update for Molly

At Staff Hub last week we discussed a range of topics:

Health and Safety – Staff Hub have a role as the H&S committee for the Council.  H&S performance is measured on documents being completed in a timely manner, the current focus is to improve H&S performance against these objectives.  We reviewed the new H&S Working from Home procedure, the final version of which will be signed off and published soon.

Break out areas at Pippbrook – we have received feedback from staff that it would be nice to improve the break out areas to provide things that are fun and energising to do as well as quiet areas for reading and also to make more use of the outside space.  We have put forward a proposal and will be getting a working group together to revamp the space to make it more inviting for staff. If anyone has any ideas for the breakout spaces or would like to be involved please contact

Staff quiz – you may have seen we are running a poll to test the appetite for a staff event – and early results show that staff would very much be up for attending!!  Everyone loves a quiz so save the date for the 28th February at Dorking Halls, more details to follow on Molly.

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