Government Accessibility Audit Time!

Comms are currently working on a website accessibility audit, as required by the Cabinet Office.

All documents produced by MVDC now need to be made accessible if they are to be published online.

What they are doing now?

Communications are currently identifying low traffic pages and will be in contact with Web Champions in all service areas with a list of pages which could be removed from the site. This is intended to reduce workload on the next stage and will be completed by 11 February.

Web Champions have until 11 March to review all documents on other pages produced after September 2018, and choose one of four options:

  • Make accessible
  • Convert into a web page (preferred option if document is necessary)
  • Remove from site
  • Provide a valid disproportionate burden assessment

New documents

From now on, it is essential that all new pdfs published on the website are created using accessible templates.  If this cannot be done, then a full, written assessment must be completed by the department and provided to communications to add to the Accessibility page of our website. 

This assessment must show strong evidence why it isn’t possible and why is a disproportionate burden for the organisation to make it accessible. 

Accessibility guidance can be found here:

What happens if we don’t do this?

If we don’t comply with the accessibility legal regulations, the Cabinet Office can refer our case to the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC), who are responsible for enforcement. Public sector sites without accurate accessibility statements will be published by the Cabinet Office.  

Will the Cabinet Office be carrying out future audits?

Yes, this is made clear in their report. They will also be re-checking our site in March to make sure we have fixed the issues they identified.

Is it only documents which are affected

No, documents are just one area we need to fix issues. The legislation applies to all our websites and customer facing applications.

For further information, support, and advice

Please contact Communications at

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