Working from Home – update

Following yesterday’s announcement which lifts the “work at home” advice I am pleased to confirm that we will reintroduce hybrid working from the start of February. In the meantime, anyone who prefers to work in the office can go back in next week but please let your manager know.

The Government also explained yesterday that it is their intention to set out their long term strategy on living with covid on, or before, the 24 March. This strategy will be helpful in guiding us through a review of our working practices which apply when working outside the home.  In the meantime, while in the office, please continue to follow the “office rules” exactly as you are used to doing through this pandemic (including mask wearing, regular lateral flows, reporting any positive Covid tests immediately to your manager, etc.). Park House, the Fairfield Centre and Dorking Halls should continue to operate in accordance with their current risk assessments and those of you carrying out visits/ inspections should continue to implement your service risk assessments.

Thank you for your continued hard work and flexibility it really is appreciated.

Should you have any queries or concerns please do talk to your manager or any member of SLT.

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