Keeping yourself and others safe

As we enter the Christmas period please continue to be vigilant in following guidance to protect you and everybody else from Covid transmission.

Risk assessments for generic activities and premises are on Molly, but your own service are likely to have unique risk assessments for your specific activities. Please talk to your manager if you are not clear what you need to do. It is vitally important you continue to social distance unless you are doing something that makes this impossible. (If that applies to you, there will be other protective measures such as very regular lateral flow tests and protective masks – but check your risk assessment/instructions for your service and make sure you follow it).

If you are informed you must self-isolate for any reason connected to Covid over the Christmas period, you must contact your line manager as soon as you can if this will impact your ability to return to work when your annual leave ends*. If you work for a service that requires you to be in the office, or in a job that requires you to work outside of the home, and you are unable to do this on your return date, it is particularly important to keep in touch with your manager so that they are aware in plenty of time to consider alternative arrangements.

*The relevant Business Manager or Executive Head of service for your team should be contacted if your line manager is unavailable.

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