Compliment for MVL’s Tracey

Mole Valley Life’s Tracey has recently received a lovely letter thanking her for the excellent service she has provided while installing lifeline alarm and TEC equipment for one of our clients:

“I am writing to express my appreciation of the Telecare Service. I now have a wristband and pendant. Although I have not yet summoned help I am liable to sudden dizziness and falls. It’s a great reassurance to me to know that I can do so by pressing a button.

I acquired my wrist band when Tracey visited me recently. (She skilfully fitted by black box on a previous occasion). She explained things with patience and clarity, was unhurried and allowed time for questions and answers. I wish to commend her for the service she gives.”

Well done to Tracey and the team for providing such expert and invaluable service. Keep up the good work!

To find out more about which Lifeline alarm or TEC equipment is best suited to help support you, or your loved one, to stay safe and well at home please call 01372 204500 or email

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